Saturday, March 20, 2010


So it has been way too long since I have decided to visit my blog. I have time this morning!

Our dog Earl had TPLO surgery two days ago. Basically he tore what is the same as a human ACL in his right rear knee. We thought (and hoped) it was a sprained muscle, but unfortunately surgery was needed. The surgery basically reconstructed his knee. He is now the proud owner of metal plates and several screws which hold it all together. They had to saw the lower leg in half, the realign it all. Talk about painful! I admire his tenacity and his will to just "deal with it"

Although if you think about it, with pets ignorance is bliss. Little did he know what he was in for, nor does he understand how intricate the surgery was. He does not understand why he is sleeping in his crate (this is an 85 pount dog who sprawled in our bed, leaving little room for other

We have to keep him from jumping up on anything (no more snoozing on the sofa) and also have to keep him confined to one room. Our living room looks like all we need is a couple of large blankets to make it into a tent city that most 5 year olds would spend hours playing in. We have all of our furniture tightend up so that he has to stay in the middle of the room. Luckily we have a large room and pretty big furniture!

He gets his splint and bandage off today. My angel of a daughter who works as a vet nurse is going to come over to do it. I just hope the incision is healing well.

I just thank God that they have the technology to do this type of repair. Years ago a dog would have lost his ability to use the leg. My bank account is crying, but when we make a committment to a pet, we do anything within our means to help them.

I love Earl, Jim loves Earl and he is our boy. Now if we can just get through the next 6 weeks or so through rehab, he will be good as new!!


  1. Awe!! My Shar Pei had to have hers repaired too when she was younger. It was very hard too for her to to still for so long!! Earl will do fine, I'm sure. Poor baby!! Dolly pulled through, has a little arthritis in her old age when its cold, but she still manages quite well at age 12. She's a big 80+ pounder too! My advice, just never let him get overweight and stick to doctors orders. You all will be very glad you did. Glucosomine or however you spell it in his food will also be your best friend. Good luck, Earl!! Gentle Giant he is.

  2. Hi Natasha
    Thanks for your thoughts for Earl. He is doing really well. He will get his staples out on Sunday. He doesn't like the therapy, but he doesn't fight it to badly!
    Hows the puppy??
