Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We make lists. We make lists for groceries, make lists for chores, make lists for work related tasks. We list our professional goals, our personal goals, our relationship goals. We list our needs, we list our wants. What does it all mean?? Do we have a need to see all of these things in writing? Is it a visual confirmation of our wants, needs, thoughts and innermost desires? I believe that some people need to make lists just to cross off what they have completed. I personally do not have that need. I am blessed with the ability to take pen to paper and remember exactly what I wrote down. Rarely do I need to take out my shopping list in the grocery store. I will admit that as I get older it takes alittle more concentration, but it can be done................
What would be on your list for 2010? It is a new decade.........10 years since Y2K....who ever thought we would survive that fiasco?? The year 2010 marks 20 years since I left New jersey and moved to North Carolina. That would mean that almost two-fifths of my life I have lived in this wonderful state which is now my home. The year 2010 will be the year my daughter Emily will be married. It will be the year I will officially have a son-in-law. And it will be my last year of saying I am in my forties..................but that is another post for another day...................
On my list I would say that I want to pay more attention to me. More time allotted for working out, doing yoga, being creative. Am I comfortable in my skin? What do I need to make a priority this year?
On my list would be time made to learn something new. Stepping outside my box......
At the top of my list would be making more time for Jim and I to get away whether for a weekend, a week, or a has been far too long since we had a true vacation. I love this man more than I ever thought possible. The pure joy I feel just being with him is always is so easy to not prioritize the need to get away from the norm............but I will add that to my list for 2010.
My list for 2010 will be simple, but meaningful. I have a friend from many years ago that I just found out is dying of bone cancer. My heart is hurting terribly for her and for her daughter. We have a past history that is oddly intertwined, and I am now feeling like I wished I had spoken to her more often. We live 500 miles away from each other, so it is not feasible that I could visit her for a few hours before the inevitable............but would love to make a list of things that I wished we had talked about................if for no one but myself.........
What kind of list would you make??? Would you share it with others or keep it for yourself? Would you write in ink or pencil? Would it be on lined paper or a post-it? Would you number your entries or write them at random?
Lists...............friend...or foe???

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